Musée de l'ordre de la Libération

our supporters

The Order of the Liberation is supported by a major financial partner and two skills partners.

The aim of this “major partnership” is to contribute to teaching young French people about citizenship by highlighting and studying the commitment shown by previous generations of French youngsters during the darkest time in France’s history.

Emphasis will be placed on the individual and collective values that motivated members of the Free French Forces and the French Resistance to act.

The aim is to raise awareness among our young compatriots that whatever trials they encounter, there is always a choice between a fate that is suffered and one that is chosen.

It is with collective commitment and belief in a history shared that individuals become a population, and a territory becomes a nation.

Founded in 1734, Maison Taittinger is one of the most prestigious champagne houses in the world, offering high-quality cuvées.

We benefit from a skills-based partnership with Taittinger, who provides support to the Order’s public relations operations.

Dassault Aviation was originally the Société des Avions Marc Bloch limited company. When it was nationalised in 1936 most of its staff became member of the Société nationale des constructions aéronautiques du Sud-Ouest. An engineering office kept working on prototypes for this new company.

 Men and women working in both those branches joined the Résistance under the German occupation. Some of them perished, other were deported and some survived this ordeal. Marcel Dassault was deported in the Buchenwald concentration camp. When he came back, he revived his aviation company by surrounding himself with associates who had been the heat of the fight against Nazi Germany, among them Claude Benno-Vallières, CEO of the company, and Henri Déplante, the Technical General Director.

 With this heritage, Dassault Aviation has decided to support the Order of the Liberation so that the values upheld by General De Gaulle in his fight for the liberation of France could be transmitted to future generations.

 From the Mirage IV to the Rafale – and tomorrow to the next generation fighter – Dassault Aviation with its men and women contribute for more than 60 years to the sovereignty of France, protection of the French people and the defence of its freedom.

Arquus est le leader européen des véhicules blindés et l’acteur de référence des technologies innovantes appliquées à la défense.

Partenaire historique des armées depuis plus d’un siècle, Arquus répond aux besoins les plus spécifiques de ses clients en concevant des solutions de missions sur mesure. Ses véhicules ont connu tous les conflits mondiaux, de la Première Guerre mondiale aux opérations actuelles de maintien de la paix. De Renault, Berliet, Latil, Panhard à Arquus, en passant par Somua, Acmat, et Auverland, son histoire se confond avec celle des armées françaises.

L'ambition de ce mécénat est notamment de porter témoignage de l'ordre devant les générations futures afin de développer leur esprit citoyen.


Par cette convention, Arquus s'engage dans les trois volets qui sont au cœur de sa politique RSE :

▪ l'aide au social de défense;

▪ le développement de l'esprit de défense;

▪ l'engagement citoyen de la citoyenneté. 

The First Alliance (TFA) Foundation, founded in 2018 by The Honorable Carole L. Brookins, is a US private and self-funded foundation, registered as a non-profit corporation in Delaware, residing in New York City.

TFA Foundation mission is to honor and enhance the French-American strategic and military alliance.

TFA support commemorations of the past and present alliance and programs advancing shared strategic goals, confidence building and bilateral thought-leadership between current and future French and American military leaders.


TFA Funded Projects and Programs.

TFA Awards support the French-US alliance, through programs that engage the strategic, defense, military domains, and public and private sectors. TFA funds grant initiatives that commemorate the French-US alliance contribute     to the support of bi-lateral strategic cooperation.


TFA Foundation Governance:

Founder and Chair “In Memoriam”: The Honorable Carole L. Brookins, († March 2020).

Board of Directors: Mr. Lawrence Goodman (CEO & Founder, The Center for Financial Stability), Chairman of the Board, LTG Olivier Tramond (Ret, French Army), Co-Chairman of the Board, Dr. Richard Sandor (CEO & Founder, The American       Financial Exchange), Member.

Senior Advisory Board: Ms. Susan Eisenhower (Pdt, The Eisenhower Group), GEN Robert Neller (Ret, USMC), GEN John Nicholson (Ret, USARMY Pdt The PenFed Foundation), GEN Frank Gorenc (USAF, ret), LTG David Huntoon (Ret USARMY), and    VADM Scott Van Buskirk (Ret USNAVY).

Created in 1964 by François et Jacqueline Sommer, the François Sommer Foundation for Hunting and Nature is dedicated to :


-          maintain, enrich, and share with the greatest number the ancient, modern and contemporary art collections gathered in the Hunting and Nature Museum (musée de France), through a high-level cultural programming;

-          contribute to consideration and permanent search of a harmonious balance between nature conservation in all its forms and facilitating sustainable et responsible hunting, through field training, organization of debates, symposia and publishing.

-          advance and share knowledge about wildlife and its natural habitat in order to improve ecosystem management and conservation, by directly producting studies in the area the Foundation manages, or by funding scientific research programs.


The linkage between the François Sommer Foundation and the Order of the Liberation has already been strongly established, given the history of its founder, François Sommer, Companion of the Liberation. The ambition behind this partnership is to contribute to inculcate citizenship, to highlight the commitment of the young fellow citizens of the former generations (among them François Sommer, Companion of the Liberation) during the darkest hours in the history of France.

Dalloyau is a brand of expertise that makes all its products and combines its talents for taste with beautiful presentation: master chefs, master pastry chefs and chocolate makers, master confectioners, master ice cream makers and master bakers. It also runs a catering service for individuals and businesses. Discovered by Louis XIV in 1682, Dalloyau is a brand rooted in history. As King Louis XIV was also the founder of Les Invalides, Dalloyau had the honor of catering for many prestigious events that took place there.

By establishing a partnership with the Order of the Liberation – the second national Order, created by General de Gaulle – the Dalloyau brand, an equally prominent presence at Les Invalides along with Napoleon I, confirms its willingness to showcase its lineage and legacy as a “historic brand”.

The Dalloyau brand contributes its know-how to the Order of the Liberation by assisting with large-scale events.

List of donors who generously contributed to the museum’s renovation from 2008 to 2015.


ANCIENS DE LA 2EME DB-RMT,  Mr. Robert Ankri, Ms.  Liliane Bettencourt, Mr. Serge Borochovitch, Mr. Roger Boulais, Ms.  Michelle Bourdis, Ms. Christiane Bouvier, Ms.  Martine de Courcel, Ms.  Huguette Danjoie, Ms.  Marie-France Delaveau, Mr. Hervé Dussol, Mr. Thierry Flobert, Fondation pour la Memoire de la Deportation, Mr. Louis Garnier, Ms.  Josiane Gros, Dr Geneviève Janin, Mr. Jean-Paul Lapointe, Mr. Michel Magnaldi, Maison des anciens de la 2eme DB, Mr. Jean-Pierre Mallet, Mr. René Marbot, Mr. Jean-Michel Ooghe de Bruyne, Mr. Roland de la Poype, Mr. Robert Riboulet, Mr. Jacques Roos, Mr. André Salvat, Mr. Jean-François Sammarcelli, Mr. André Verrier, Mr. Nicolas Wyrouboff



Ms. Marie-Laure Affif, Mr. Michel Becklemicheff, Mr. Yves Bernard, Ms.  Jacqueline Bonhomme, Mr. Emile Boursin, Brunschwig Frere Ltd, Ms.  Georges Chapey, Mr. Serge Dassault, Mr. Gabriel de Broglie, Mr. Henri de Castries, Mr. Michel Clostermann, Mr. Charles de Ferrieres, Mr. Robert Debant, Ms.  Marie-France Delaveau, Mr. Bernard Demolins, Mr. Pierrot Dirani, Ms.  Anne Dufour, Ms.  Geneviève Favreau-Rognon, Mr. Walter Fieni, Mr. Joseph Fratacci, Mr. Alain Gayet, Miss. Giuliana Ghilardi, Ms.  Laurence Grand, Mr. Jean Guenole, Ms.  Marie-Claire Hettier de Boislambert, Mr. François Jacob Franck, Ms.  Louise Kaouza, Ms. Edith Lalliard, Ms.  Annick Loncle, 1er RMSM Maison des anciens de la 2eme DB, Mr. Khayem Malek, Mr. Jean-François Martignoles, Ms.  Viviane Mazure, Mr. Fred Moore, Mr. Jean-Michel Ooghe de Bruyne, Ms. Martine Pechenart, Mr. Charles Perez, Mr. Michel Perot, Mr. Armand Pevrier, Ms.  Roger Philippe, Ms. Anise Postel Vinay, Mr. Marcel Prudhomme, Ms.  Françoise Rouane, Mr. Charles Rudrauf, Ms.  Jean Sainteny, Mr. Michel Secheresse, Mr. Claude Sorel, Mr. Lucien Vochel



Amicale du Reseau F2,  Ms.  Nicole Bonnier, Mr.  Robert Debant, Ms.  Marie-France Delaveau, Mr.  Pierre Deshayes, Mr.  Walter Fieni, Mr.  Louis Garnier, Admiral Philippe de Gaulle, Mr.  Yves Guena, Ms.  Yvette Montavon, Town of Montluçon, Mr.  Jean-Michel Ooghe 



Mr.  Michel Beklemicheff, Ms. Liliane Bettencourt, Mr. Roger Boulais, Mr. and Mrs.  Michel Closterman, Ms.  Huguette Danjoie, Ms.  Marie-France Delaveau, Association anciens de la 2eme DB - RMT,  Ms.  Anne Dufour, Mr.  Hervé Dussol, Ms.  Geneviève Favreau-Rognon, Mr.  Thierry Flobert, Mr.  Joseph Fratacci, Ms. Marie-Claire Hettier de Boislambert, Mr. and Mrs.  Raymond Le Landais, Mr.  Jean Maigrot, Mr. Jean-Pierre Mallet, Mr. and Mrs.  Jean-Michel Ooghe, Mr. Armand Pevrier, Mr.  Philippe, Mr.  Marcel Prudhomme, Mr.  Robert Riboulet, Mr.  André Salvat, Mr. and Mrs.  Pierre Segard, Mr.  Francis Szwec, Mr. Joseph Tidjani, Mr. and Mrs.  Pierre Touzet, Mr.  Lucien Vochel



Association des anciens combattants du CNRS, Association Rhin et Danube, Mr.  Jacques Bongrand, Mr.  Jean-Bernard Cayron, Ms. Martine de Courcel, Ms. Marie-France Delaveau, Ms.  Geneviève Favreau-Rognon, Ms. Ginette Jerôme, Mr. Louis Lesbaupin, Mr. Michel Liauzun, Mr.  Jean-Michel Ooghe, Ms.  Françoise Rouane, Ms.  Jean Sainteny, Mr.  Pierre Santini



Ms. Huguette Danjoie, Mr. Gérard Dauphin, Ms. Marie-France Delaveau, Mr. Jean-Paul Lapointe



Association nationale des Medailles de la Resistance francaise, Mr. Jean-Bernard Cayron, Mr.  Jean-Paul Lapointe, Mr. Jean-Michel Ooghe de Bruyne



Mr. François Carry, Mr.  Jean-Bernard Cayron, Mr. and Ms. Valéry Chavaroche, Ms. Jean Nanterre, Mr. Jean-Edouard Riche, Ms. Nicol-Elisabeth Welter

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