Musée de l'ordre de la Libération

Our partners

Various partners support the Order of the Liberation and its museum in better achieving their objectives and missions on a day-to-day basis.

An agreement has been signed between the Order and the National Office for Veterans and Victims of War (ONACVG) (France) to fulfil their shared ambition to preserve the memory of the exceptional acts of bravery committed by Companions of Liberation and medal holders of the French Resistance in their work to liberate France.

Within this context, local services carried out a census of the medal holders of the French Resistance.

Collaborative coordination of the ceremony that takes place at Mont-Valérien on June 18 has been established.

Given that the Fondation de la Resistance and The Order of the Liberation share similar objectives in terms of relaying the memory of fighters – particularly through cultural and educational initiatives – we have signed an agreement based on the digitization and provision of digital resources and individual records of Companions and medal holders, cultural and scientific production, the Concours national de la résistance et de la déportation (CNRD) – a national educational examination on the subject of Resistance and Deportation – and the joint promotion of activities and resources.

The city of Reims, birthplace of two of the nine Companions of the Liberation from the Marne region, seeks to show its commitment to citizenship learning by promoting and teaching values held by the French Resistance. The city offers schoolchildren the opportunity to discover the history of the Companions of the Liberation, who played a pioneering role in pledging commitment to Free France and the French Resistance, and holders of such values, through a partnership with the Museum of The Order of the Liberation.

The city and The Order of the Liberation have joined forces to develop new mediation tools designed for school pupils and university students, all the while offering young people set to benefit from these tools the opportunity to find out about the history of the Companions through Free France, the French Resistance, and Deportation.

Les Ouvreuses is a company that specializes in ‘last-minute’ online marketing of tickets for events suitable for children and families.

The Museum of The Order of the Liberation therefore provides the Les Ouvreuses ticket office with comprehensive details of its program of visits/workshops likely to be of interest to youngsters, so they can purchase tickets on this website.

Partenaires de compétences 20 Rapport annuel 2017.

Ankréation is a theatre company dedicated to creating live performances and broadcasting them. 

Through its museum, The Order of the Liberation seeks to diversify its cultural offering for adult and family audiences. Both parties joined forces with a view to defining a way of working together to provide 10 dramatized tours to the museum’s visitors in 2019.

La présente convention a pour objet de préciser les modalités d'ouverture d'une partie des prestations d'Igesa aux personnels, aux membres du conseil d'administration de l'Ordre de la Libération ainsi qu'aux membres du conseil scientifique du musée de l'Ordre de la Libération.

Igesa, dotée de la personnalité morale et de l'autonomie financière, est un établissement public placé sous la tutelle du ministère des Armées.

Igesa exerce son activité au profit des ressortissants actifsretraités et de leurs familles.

Dans ce cadre, elle délivre des prestations relevant des secteurs d'activité ci-après :

  • Enfance : crèches et structures multi-accueil, LEP, ME-FARE, centres sociaux,
  • Prêts et règlement d'actions sociales pour le compte du ministère des Armées,
  • Centres de Vacances de Jeunes, séjours linguistiques
  • Vacances adultes,
  • sidences relais,
  • Billetterie et loisirs,
  • Culture.
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