Musée de l'ordre de la Libération

International scientific council

The Museum of The Order of the Liberation draws on the expertise of its scientific council, composed of 9 members appointed by the National Delegate. Its Chair, Christine Levisse-Touzé, was appointed by order of Florence Parly, Minister of the French Armed Forces (December 4, 2017). Levisse-Touzé chaired the Scientific Council for the first time in 2018.

Configuration of the Scientific Council



  • Chair: Christine Levisse-Touzé: Doctor of Philosophy, Honorary General Curator of Heritage for the City of Paris, Associate Research Director at University of Paris Sorbonne. Specialist in Free France and the French Resistance. Author and director of numerous publications.

  • Sébastien Albertelli: Professor (agrégé) of History, Doctor of History,  Specialist in Free France, Albertelli has contributed to the Dictionnaire de la Résistance and the Dictionnaire de Gaulle. He also published Les Services secrets du général de Gaulle. Le BCRA 1940-1944 (Perrin).

  •  Thomas Fontaine: Doctor of History, Director of the Musée de la Résistance nationale (Champigny-sur-Marne). Specialist in the history of deportations. Author of several books on the German camp at Fort de Romainville.

  •  Robert Gildea: Professor of Modern History, University of Oxford. Specialist in the French Resistance. Author of a number of publications, including the recently published Comment sont-ils devenus résistants ? Une nouvelle histoire de la Résistance, 1940-1945 (Les Arènes, 2017). 

  • Vincent Giraudier: Doctor of History, Manager of The Historial Charles de Gaulle - Musée de l'Armée. Curator of several exhibitions. Author of articles and Bastilles de Vichy. Répression politique et internement administratif  (2009).

  • Stefan Martens: Director of the Department of Contemporary History at the German Historical Institute Paris. Editor of la Francia (XIXe/XXe siècle), specialist in World War II with particular focus on the German occupation.

  • Jean-François Muracciole: Professor of Contemporary History at Paul Valéry University of Montpellier. Specialist in the French Resistance and Free France. Author and director of numerous publications.

  • Guillaume Piketty: Professor of History at Sciences Po Paris. Associate member of the Faculty of History and Visiting Fellow at Worcester College (University of Oxford, United Kingdom). Specialist in the history of contemporary conflicts. Author and director of numerous publications.

  • Sylvie Zaidman: Doctor of History, Chief Curator of Heritage, Director of The Liberation of Paris General Leclerc Museum - Jean Moulin Museum. Author of publications on the French Resistance in the Paris region.



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