Musée de l'ordre de la Libération

The national commission

The National Commission for the French Resistance Medal, set up under Article 3 of Decree no.774 of February 9, 1943, was responsible for issuing opinions on proposals for the medal. Following the decision made by General de Gaulle, services for the French Resistance Medal were attached to the Chancellery for The Order of the Liberation as of 1966. This distinction was awarded to 65,295 members of the French Resistance. A higher rank was also created: the French Resistance Medal with Rosette, which was awarded to 4,586 people.

The National Commission for the French Resistance Medal was created under Article 3 of Decree no. 774. Originally composed of four members, the National Commission for the French Resistance Medal was called on to state its opinion on individuals put forward to receive the medal.

Appointed under Decree no. 909 of April 6, 1943, the original members of the National Commission were Squadron Leader Claude Hettier de Boislambert, President Antoine Bissagnet, Jacques Emile Paris, and Commander Pierre Brossolette.

Proposals for the medal ceased to be accepted as of April 1, 1947, with the exception of deported prisoners who died for France, who can still be awarded the medal posthumously. From this date on, the Ministry of the French Armed Forces has consulted the Commission for each posthumous proposal submitted.

The Commission also manages records of medal holders, receives numerous requests for information on recipients of the Resistance Medal, and produces certificates confirming medal ownership.

Chaired by the National Delegate for The Order of the Liberation, the National Commission for the French Resistance Medal is mainly composed of French Resistance medal holders. Members of the Commission review requests for posthumous decoration and state opinions submitted to the President of the Republic, who decides whether the French Resistance Medal should be awarded.

Members of the Commission:

Michèle Agniel

Hugues Goudon de Lalande

Lise Graf

René Groussard

Guy Jarry

Pierre Morel

Charlotte Nadel

René Nicolleau

Odile de Vasselot


Secretary of the Commission: Lionel Boucher

Decree no.62-733 of June 28, 1962, which supplements the existing provisions of Decree no.50-1182 of September 23, 1950 pursuant to posthumous decoration of individuals who lost their lives in the French Resistance, sets out the conditions governing proposals for the posthumous award of the Resistance Medal.

The following pieces of identity must be provided for incarcerated/deported members of the French Resistance, who were shot or died during deportation or incarceration, or who died due to injuries or illnesses that were contracted or worsened due to deportation or incarceration, and who are fully eligible for a pension:

Title of the deported or incarcerated member of the French Resistance:

Extract of the death certificate stating ‘Died for France’ 

For members of the French Resistance killed in action, executed by the enemy, killed during war missions or as a result of their injuries:

Extract of the death certificate stating ‘Died for France’;

Compliant certified copy or photocopy of the identity card of the volunteer Resistance fighter and:

either notification of approval of rank or French Forces of the Interior (FFI) membership on a posthumous basis, issued by the competent approval commission, and the FFI certificate of membership issued by the general in command of the military region to members of the FFI non-approved as holding the rank of officer;

or confirmation or certificate of membership issued by the Fighting French Forces (FFC) or the French Resistance (RIF) national approval commission to members of the FFC or RIF;

or confirmation from the Free French Forces (FFF).  


Requests should be addressed to the Ministry of the French Armed Forces at the following address:

Ministère des Armées – Secrétariat général pour l’administration - Direction des ressources humaines du ministère de la défense - Services généraux - Distinctions honorifiques – 60 boulevard du général Martial Valin – CS 21623 – 75509 PARIS Cedex 15

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